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Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization by University of Michigan (Coursera)

Online Courses by University of Michigan

This is a beginner-level specialization in web development and coding and is offered by the prestigious University of Michigan. This course is designed for those who want to learn web design and front-end development fundamentals. You will learn basic design principles, HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, and how to create interactive web experiences by utilizing JavaScript.

This specialization is structured as 5 courses, each with several exercises, quizzes and assignments to test and validate the learning of the course. The final Capstone Project requires students to build their own professional portfolio. They need to design and implement a responsive site that utilizes tools to create a site that is accessible to a wide audience, including those with visual, audial, physical, and cognitive impairments.

The specialization is instructed by Colleen van Lent, Ph.D. and Charles Russell Severance (a.k.a. Dr. Chuck), both of whom have many years of experience teaching various technology-oriented courses at the University level. Both have independently authored books related to design and technology.

Key Highlights

  • Learn to develop high quality web sites that, work seamlessly on mobile, tablet, and large screen browsers
  • Learn how to add interactivity to web pages with Javascript
  • Learn to use the Document Object Model (DOM) to modify pages
  • Explain the mobile-first paradigm and the importance of wireframes in the design phase
  • Understand how to utilize existing design frameworks such as Bootstrap
  • You can take the courses at your own pace
  • Option to audit the course contents for free

Duration : 3 months, 8 hours per week

Sign up Here

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