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Become an AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree Program (Udacity)

Udacity Online Courses

This AWS Cloud Architect Nanodegree program by Udacity is intended to teach experienced developers how to create a highly available network with a fault-tolerant database using the Amazon’s core service. In the program students learn to plan, design, and implement secure cloud infrastructure in AWS at scale. They learn to monitor availability, test failure scenarios with recovery, and evaluate and harden the cloud environment’s security vulnerabilities.

The program comprises of three modules that cover the following:

  • Designing and building high availability infrastructure
  • Building scalable, secure, and cost-optimized architecture
  • Securing access to cloud services and infrastructure

There is an ample of opportunity in the program to gain hands-on experience with projects that come at the end of each module. These closely resemble scenarios you’d encounter in the real world.

The program is ideal for those with some experience with Cloud Computing who are interested in leading the planning, designing, and provisioning of secure cloud infrastructure in AWS at scale. After graduating from the program, one will be well placed to take up a critical role in an organizations cloud computing strategy as an AWS Cloud Architect.

Key Highlights

  • Design and deploy a fault tolerant and resilient web service architecture in AWS
  • Understand how to evaluate a cloud environment’s security vulnerabilities
  • Learn to apply best practices in cloud security to harden and secure the environment
  • Learn to optimize cloud service infrastructure for cost and performance
  • Real world projects that help you learn how to plan, design, provision, migrate and monitor infrastructure in AWS for up to a million users
  • All projects reviewed by Udacity reviewer network in a timely manner and feedback provided
  • Self-Paced and flexible learning

Duration : 3 months, 10 hours per week

Sign up Here

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