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Google UX Design Professional Certificate (Coursera)

Google has launched a UX Design certificate program online on Coursera to help learners prepare for an entry-level job as a UX designer. In this program, you’ll learn the foundations of UX design, how to conduct user research, and design prototypes in tools like Figma and Adobe XD.

This Google UX certification program is organized as a series of seven courses that explore UX principles, UX terms, and industry-standard tools. These courses cover the complete design process from beginning to end, including the following:

  • Empathizing with users
  • Defining user pain points
  • Defining user needs using problem statements
  • Coming up with ideas for design solutions
  • Creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes
  • Gathering feedback about designs and testing them through usability studies
  • Iterating on designs based on feedback
  • Conducting competitive audits

The program places a lot of emphasis on hands-on learning. Apart from videos, courses include several readings, assessments, and hands-on activities. By the time learners complete the program, they will have three portfolio projects to share with potential employers in their job applications. Upon completion, learners will have the opportunity to directly apply for jobs with Google and over 130 partners committed to sourcing talent from Google certificate programs. These include top U.S. employers like Deloitte, Anthem, Walmart, Best Buy, and Astreya.

Key Highlights

  • One of the most popular Coursera UX design certificate program to prepare for a successful career in UX design
  • Learn how to create empathy maps, personas, user stories, and user journey maps to understand user needs
  • Learn to create wireframes and low-fidelity designs using the design tool Figma
  • Learn to build mockups and high-fidelity prototypes in Figma
  • Understand how to work with design systems in Adobe XD
  • Hundreds of practice-based activities and assessments that simulate real-world UX design scenarios
  • Courses developed and taught by Google UX designers and researchers with decades of experience in UX design
  • Project work involving designing a dedicated mobile app and a responsive website focused on social good
  • No previous experience necessary to enrol in the program

Duration : 6 months, 10 hours per week
Sign up Here

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