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Meta Professional Certificates in Web Development (Coursera)

 Online Courses by Meta

Meta is offering Professional Certificate programs that aim to launch learners in the field of software development. These are offered in collaboration with Coursera and are especially designed to impart job-ready skills for entry-level roles in front-end development, back-end development and database engineering. These web development certification courses are beginner-level, require no prior experience, can be completed in under 6 months with around 8 hours of effort a week and have been a huge hit with learners since their launch.

Learners can pursue these certificate programs individually or enrol in all three to position themselves as full stack web developers. Let’s take a detailed look at each of these Meta Web Development Professional Certificates.

Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate

In this program learners master the foundations of front-end development and gain necessary programming skills. As part of the Certification, they also complete a real-world project that involves developing a front-end web application to showcase in their portfolio. The program comprises of 9 individual courses that impart the following skills:

  • How to code and build responsive websites using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
  • Learn to use industry-standard tools such as Bootstrap, React, and Figma
  • How to work with content management systems (CMS) and use GitHub repositories for version control
  • Learn to use React in relation to Javascript libraries and frameworks
  • Learn the fundamentals of User Experience (UX) research and design
  • Prepare for technical interviews with best approaches to problem-solving

Meta Back-End Developer Professional Certificate

This program teaches the technical skills required to become a qualified back-end developer including Python Syntax, Linux commands, Git, SQL, Version Control, Cloud Hosting, APIs, JSON, XML and more. There is a lot of focus on applied learning with hands-on activities, 10 micro-projects and a capstone project involving development of a full-stack django app. The program is structured as a series of 10 courses that cover the following topics:

  • Foundational programming skills with basic Python Syntax
  • Introduction to databases and ways to store and manage data
  • Use of Structured Query Language (SQL) commands
  • Planning and designing a simple relational database system
  • Linux commands and Git repositories to implement version control
  • Core cloud architecture concepts, approaches and popular cloud solutions
  • Django web framework and how the front-end consumes data from the REST APIs

Meta Database Engineer Professional Certificate

This program imparts key skills needed to design, deploy, and manage structured and unstructured data. Students learn industry-standard programming languages and software such as SQL, Python, and Django used for supporting websites and apps and gain experience with key tools through hands-on projects. There are 9 courses in the program that cover the following:

  • Core techniques and methods to structure and manage databases
  • MySQL database management system (DBMS) and data creation, querying and manipulation using SQL
  • Advanced MySQL
  • Writing database driven applications in Python to connect clients to MySQL databases
  • How to code and use Python Syntax
  • How to optimize a database
  • Working knowledge of advanced data modeling concepts

A key advantage of these certifications by Meta is that upon completion learners gain access to the Meta Career Programs platform that connects them with more than 200 employers committed to sourcing talent through Meta’s certificate programs. They also get access to several career support resources to help with their job search.

Duration : 6-8 months, 6-8 hours per week

Sign up here

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