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AI for Everyone by Andrew Ng (Coursera)

Online Courses by DeepLearning.ai

This Artificial Intelligence Course from Andrew Ng is largely non-technical and is intended for those who do not need to learn in-depth technicalities of AI but who wish to learn how to make better use of AI in their organizations or roll out AI initiatives or work with an AI team. It is also an excellent course for engineers, programmers and people with technical backgrounds to learn the business aspects of AI. It is very educative and detailed for starters who do not know anything about artificial intelligence.

This AI class starts with a comprehensive overview of what artificial intelligence is and finally goes on to discuss the entire workflow of AI projects and how to develop an AI strategy for your business. It covers the following topics:

  • Meaning behind common AI terminology, including machine learning, deep learning, neural networks and data science
  • A realistic view of AI and what it can and cannot do with examples
  • How to spot opportunities to apply AI to challenges and problems in your organization
  • Workflow of machine learning and data science projects
  • How to build AI in your company
  • Ethical and societal concerns and discussions surrounding AI

This is a 6 hour course that Andrew has developed with business applications in mind, which makes it very unique and one-of-its kind. Plus the fact that it is taught by Andrew himself, a pioneer and huge influencer in the field of artificial intelligence makes the course very popular. It is not restricted to engineers and scientists alone, anybody who sees value in AI and has interest in the subject should take this course.

Key Highlights

  • Highest rated Coursera Artificial Intelligence online course
  • Understand the meanings of various concepts in artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Learn how to work better with an AI team in your organization
  • Learn how to chose an AI project
  • Get a glimpse into the technical tools used by AI teams
  • Case studies related to building an AI product and strategy
  • No prerequisites, can be taken by anyone at any level of experience

Duration : 4 weeks, 2 hours per week

Sign up Here

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