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Chinese for Beginners by Peking University (Coursera)

Online Courses by Peking University

With China becoming a business hub, interest in Chinese language and culture has also peeked. Many people who visit China for travel or business or studies, find it extremely useful to learn some basic conversational Chinese. This course available on Coursera is a great fit for such beginners who want to explore and learn Chinese for basic communication. It impart beginner concepts, from basic grammar to tones to vocabulary words. It has been developed by Peking University, China’s top educational institution, and is delivered by Liu Xiaoyu, Associate Professor of School of Chinese as A Second Language, Peking University. Liu has conducted several training programs related to Chinese language across US, UK, Europe and Asia and also authored several books on the subject.

This Chinese course introduces learners to phonetics and daily expressions, so that they can build a basic understanding of Chinese Mandarin and make basic conversations of daily living. The course is structured as 7 weekly modules. The topics and situations for the lessons in the course are selected from real-life scenarios and can be used for everyday communications. Topics covered in the course include the following:

  • Chinese Mandarin phonetics
  • Vocabulary related to exchanging personal information such as how to introduce yourself, including name, nationality, identity, and discussing your family
  • Vocabulary related to describing daily schedule, including numbers, time, periods, and some corresponding actions
  • Chinese main courses, fruits, vegetables and meat, as well as drinks
  • Vocabulary related to shopping, such as pricing, size preference etc.
  • How to give directions and how to speak about transportation
  • Talk about temperature, seasons, and personal health
  • Vocabulary related to hobbies, sports, TV programs, and some other activities related to the internet, reading, music, and travel

Along with the video lessons, there are plenty of reading materials and exercises and practice activities that make the journey of learning Chinese easy and fruitful.

Key Highlights

  • Elementary level course with no requirement for prior exposure to Chinese language
  • Gain valuable Chinese language skills, including grammar, speech and communication
  • Learn to make basic conversation around daily life
  • Suitable for beginners who want to learn Chinese language and culture for travel or business
  • Easily digestible lessons with practice exercises

Duration : Approx 21 hours

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