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How To Publish your Website

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In today’s society, having a digital portfolio is important to showcase your impressive work such as design portfolio, traveling blog, photography collection, and more. Potential clients or employers will be able to see your skills and achievements online. An easy way is by creating an account and page on WordPress. Choose your personal URL and you are good to go.

What’s left is for you to launch your website and here’s how you can do it!

Once you create your website or if you have a private website on WordPress, people will not be able to view your website. If you have not published it, your website will not appear even when you type your personal URL. Hence, it is crucial to publish your website.

Log in to your WordPress account and you will see a lot of menu items on the left side of your page. On the top part of the page you will see an announcement that sounds like this:

“Your site is currently displaying a Coming Soon page. Once you are ready to launch your site click here”.

You just have to click the blue “Click here” and your site will go live!

Now, the last step is to open a new window and check the appearance of your website. Just type in the URL of your website to check for errors. If you find errors or if you want to make it better, you can still edit it as much as you want until you are satisfied with it.

Don’t worry about people stumbling across your website before you are satisfied with it. This is because they can only view your website if they type in the exact URL. Your website will only appear on the Google search engine if the content in your blog is being plucked by Google or linked into it. But, you have not indexed your website for search engines yet (we will be getting to it very soon!).

Now that you have your own website for people to visit, you need to maintain and update it to keep it interesting. You need to upload some videos or new articles to your website.


Don't get caught plagiarizing
  1. How to check if your website has been published?
  2. Which menu should you click to publish it?
  3. If you haven’t published it, what will happen if you type your personal address in a new window?

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