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Install a New WordPress Theme

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WordPress provides pre-installed free themes for you to use. But as a website author, we have this urge to make our website looks better, right? Here’s the good news: you can find thousands of themes out there. Some of them are paid, while the others are free.  You can find them on Google, or other search engines, and you will discover many sites offering themes for you to download.

One of the most recommended sites is themeforest.net. This Envato marketplace provides thousands of themes you can choose to fit your website’s tone and style. They come with various kinds of themes for every purpose, so people won’t find it hard to pick the best theme for them.

Why do you need to find the best-fitting theme? Basically, there is the appearance and the feel of your website. It’s like your website’s face and personality.  The themes are segmented for different interests: corporate, creative, e-commerce, education, and all of these. You can browse it one by one or immediately click your interest.

These themes of course come with different tools, different types of portfolios, types of sliders, homepages, you name it.

So, you might want to check it and if you find the best theme for you, you can purchase it. And you can also get a preview for the theme if you click for the demo. You can see how they feel and how they work, and of course, how they look. It’s like you are trying for a sample before buying things.

These paid themes have great customization features, but you can also consider free themes too. To change your theme, go to the left bar menu on WordPress and click “Appearance”, and then click “Themes”. After you are directed to the next page, you can see the active theme for your website right now on the first picture. You may also find another pre-installed free theme for you besides that, like the themes released by WordPress annually.

Now click the “Add New Theme” button, and you will be directed to a page full of themes. You can scroll down and see for the theme’s details and preview. You can also sort them by Popular, Latest, Favorites, or just search for another idea, interest, or maybe a specific theme you have in mind.

Let’s get an example…

Pick a random theme and click it. Then, the themes preview will be available for you to check it briefly. You can install it on the spot, or you can go back to the former page and install it. It’s just the same.

This theme is hosted by WordPress.org, so basically, the theme is already inside WordPress. You can just click install, and there you go! You can activate it right away to use it, or you can go back to your Theme’s first page and see your theme’s collections, including the newest theme added.

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Click “Activate” and go to your website homepage. Refresh it, and you will see that the appearance is different as the new theme has been applied. This is how you install a theme from WordPress.org. Easy, right?

Now if you want to install from another website, it’s a little bit different. Say that you have purchased a theme from external sites. The next step you have to do is to download it by choosing the download option “installable WordPress Only”. 

You may download all of the files documentation and just select the WordPress file from the folder later, though. It’s up to you. And then, under your “Themes”, click the “Upload” button. Click “Upload Theme”, and then you choose the downloaded theme file. It should be in a zip format. After you have found the file, click “Install Now”. This might take a few minutes, depending on how fast your internet speed is. After the file is installed, you will be directed to this page, and you can choose whether you want to see the “Live Preview”, you want to “Activate” the theme, or you want to “Return to Themes Page”. If you choose to return to the themes page, you can see that the uploaded theme just now will appear as an option. You can activate it now, and go back to your home page, and refresh it. Congratulations, your theme has been changed!

You need to remember that if you install a theme from themeforest.net or any other premium sources, you might need specific plug-ins for the theme to work optimally. For example, it is the “Jevelin” theme, you can go to a plug-in called “Unyson Framework” and “WP Bakery Page Builder”.  But don’t worry! If your theme seems to need a special plug-in, you will get a notification here on the left sidebar menu.

For example, the Jevelin theme comes along with some menus and requires specific plug-ins. Click the “Install Plugins” to see the list of the needed plug-ins. Soon, you will see the plug-ins required to run the Jevelin theme and you can just install the plug-ins with required labels by clicking here.

Now, here is how to delete a theme. You need to deactivate the theme first by activating another theme.  After you have done it, go the theme that you want to delete and click “Theme Details”, then click delete on the bottom right. Click “OK”, and the theme is deleted.

So there you have it! You will be able to install a new WordPress Theme. It’s quite easy, isn’t it? Now that you are one step closer to have a cool website, you must be eager to know more! Stau tuned.

Source: https://themeforest.net/

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