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Learn Product Management Nanodegree Programs (Udacity)

Udacity Online Courses

Udacity offers excellent nanodegree programs to impart and hone the skills necessary for the highly-coveted role of a Product Manager. These range from beginner friendly programs that require no prior experience to advanced level programs for current managers with some experience in the field. Let us look at the three top Product Management training programs from Udacity.

Become a Product Manager

In this Nanodegree program you will learn to define product strategy and KPIs, design and test a user-centered prototype, write requirements and acceptance criteria for product development and create a comprehensive go-to-market plan. You will also learn to build tests to enhance product features based on market data.

The program is broken into following 4 courses that cover the entire product management cycle right from product research to successfully bringing it to the market:

  1. Product Strategy
  2. Product Design
  3. Product Development
  4. Product Launch

Each course builds on the predecessor and includes a project at the end of the course. In the first course itself you choose a product idea that you’ll build your projects on, throughout the rest of the program. These projects give learners hands-on experience making real life product decisions, from crafting their own product pitch, to detailing the functionality of their product using documentation, to communicating with development and marketing teams.

No prior experience is needed to enrol for this program.

Become a Data Product Manager

In this Nanodegree program, you’ll learn how to build data-driven products backed by scalable data strategies to deliver the right experiences to the right users at the right time. It will enable you to fully understand the role of data product managers within organizations and how they utilize data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to solve problems.

You’ll evaluate market data and create visualizations to determine the key metrics and features for a new product. You’ll integrate this data backed evidence into a product proposal that is supported by a scalable data pipeline and warehousing strategy.

There are 3 courses in the program that impart the instruction and skills to be able to:

  • Create a data product concept
  • Strategise a data pipeline and storage structure to support scaling of the product
  • Enhance the product design based on user data

This program requires some experience with data analysis and a general understanding of product management. Learners work on three projects during the course of the program.

Become a Growth Product Manager

This Nanodegree program teaches the foundational skills that all growth product managers use, whether they have a B2B or a B2C product. It is most suited for product managers who want to enhance their capabilities in customer acquisition, activation, and monetization of digital products. It has been designed by experienced growth product managers at top companies like Microsoft, FunnelGuard and Sendoso.

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The program is organized as a series of three courses – Growth and Acquisition Strategy, Activation and Retention Strategy and Monetization Strategy. You’ll also be working on hands-on projects in each course. The curriculum will help you learn the following skills:

  • Build acquisition funnels
  • Identify core customers
  • Optimize growth loop models
  • How to analyze your results and make improvements to your strategies
  • Activation theories on how to decrease time-to-value and friction for both B2C and B2B product users
  • Retention theories, for creating audiences and increasing engagement
  • Designing pricing plans
  • Determining optimal price points using pricing metrics

Key Highlights

  • Prepare to assume key leadership roles in the field of Product Management
  • Programs designed and delivered by industry experts with years of experience in the field
  • Work on real-world projects designed in partnership with top tier companies
  • Become a part of active online student community for discussions
  • Get personalized and timely feedback for your projects
  • Get access to world-class technical mentor support
  • Self-Paced programs that support flexible learning at your own pace and schedule

Duration : 3-4 months, 10 hours per week

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