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Make Your Website Responsive – Easy to View for Mobile Viewers

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Congratulations for reaching this stage. You are most likely capable enough to edit your own webpage, adding contents, and adding more pages in it. Now that your website’s contents are improving, you need to make sure that your design is responsive and easy to use.

Responsive design means that your website looks good not only on a computer browser, but also mobile devices. You can check your website’s appearance on your mobile phone by opening it on your phone. Simply open your phone’s browser and go to your website. Or, just open your website on a new tab in your PC and make the window smaller.

You will realise that your page structure looks weird. It is because mobile phone’s screen size is smaller than a PC. Nowadays, modern themes are created to be responsive. You can see that the design changes whenever you resize the window size.

The header shrinks and the menus on the header disappear into a dropdown icon menu. The image also shrinks rather than getting cropped. This shows that the theme is mobile-friendly! But you might want to make some adjustments to make sure it looks and functions the best.

The good news: You can configure it yourself! Go to the dashboard and find the Appearance tab on the left-side bar menu, and then click Customise.

You can see three different icons on the bottom left side on the page which stand for desktop version, mobile version, and tablet version. These icons will give you a preview of each device. You can even play around to check if the website is easy to access.

Usually, major changes that happen to the home page. The title may be disorganised because of the different screen size. To change this, you can configure it using the options on the left-side menu bar. You can check for the versions and edit them.

However, what if your website theme is not cooperative? Or if it doesn’t even have these options for you to configure?

Don’t worry! There are different plug-ins available to make your website design automatically responsive or mobile-friendly.


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1. Why do you need to make sure your website design is responsive and mobile-friendly?

2. How to check if your design is responsive and mobile-friendly?

3.  How can you configure the theme to be responsive?

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